Sunday, May 17, 2015

And after a long hiatus...

It has been a while since our last posting. We've had a busy six months, and both kids (and U.S.) went through a really rough six weeks with everyone really sick. 
We kept holding off on posting to try and catch up, but have instead decided to start posting some of the current pictures and catch up later if we can.

Annika and Luka are both crawling, using some signs and words too. One of Luka's favorites is "bah boo," for a balloon left over from there birthday party that he just loves, and he has been working on "ah-ish" too (ice). 
Annika and Luka both say "hi" and "bye-bye" very sweetly and Annika especially gives André a big "hi papa!" When he gets home.

On to some pictures. Here we go!