Sunday, March 30, 2014

They are here - meet Annika and Luka!

We are exhausted but everything is good and they are doing very well! 

It was a busy, hard night. Kristin was amazing and is recovering well. She labored actively from about 10:30 or so until 1:44 AM with Luka; Annika came at just before  3 in the morning.

By the time everything was done and we had been moved from a birth room to a post partum recovery room and settled in, it was almost 8 in the morning. The triage nurses watched them after a feeding for a few hours so we could sleep.

Some pics for you all:

Just after Luka was born. Kristin still had Annika left to go. André continued to help with the delivery for Annika while holding Luka skin to skin throughout that time.

Just after the birth and in recovery in the delivery room.

With Annika in the OR, after Kristin's amazing and Herculean birth efforts. Did we mention she was amazing?

With Grabdma back in the birthing room for recovery. Everyone stayed up to wait on pins and needles until we returned. This is probably sometime between 4 and 5 in the morning.

Luka with tío Yeyo. Sergio was so helpful and patient with us! We couldn't have done this as smoothly without his help!

Luka with Grandpa Wayne. Do you see just a little pride in that smile? 

Sleeping, post first bath and feedings.

Thank you all! We will add more details in the coming days, but don't expect too much for a bit while we re-gather our strength and figure things out and (hopefully) continue to try to rest a bit.

Thank you all for your love! We can't wait for Luka James and Annika Lucía to meet all of you! Lots of love!