Sunday, April 6, 2014

Aunt V Comes to Visit

Aunt V came from New York to Portland for the weekend, and got to spend  a little time catching up with us and meeting Luka and Annika. So nice to see you, V!
We hope Tío Jaime can make it soon too. James and Veronica just recently adopted their second child, a beautiful little baby boy, Blaise. As such, James stayed in NY to man the fort with the kids so that Veronica could come to Pdx for a class reunion. Now that's teamwork!

We can only imagine how this weekend is going for James, if it's anything like the tale V told us of traveling to La Paz, Mexico alone with Cormac, their toddler escape artist and perhaps the most independent little man we know. 

Thanks for visiting, V! It meant so much to all of us!

With Luka

Hanging in the nursery with the she wolf and Annika